The below features are free and available to all Allison HUB users:
- Service Tips provide general notifications and service procedures regarding Allison products.
- Warranty Booklets contain warranty information for Allison transmissions used in all applications. They provide the starting dates, mileage and hours (available in most applications) of each transmission warranty.
Operator's Manuals
Our library of Operator’s Manuals covers all current products and is available in a variety of languages. Topics include Power Take-Off (PTO) operation, shift selectors, prognostics, diagnostics, care and maintenance and even driving tips. Users
are guaranteed to find each printed manual’s latest revision within this online collection. To learn more about our technical publications, click here.
Warranty Status Check
The Warranty Status Check tool allows users to check for coverage on a transmission based on serial number. Results shown are for serial numbers registered with Allison or for transmissions registered with added Extended Transmission Coverage (ETC).
Web-Based Service Training
Web-Based Training (WBT) modules currently available through a Basic user Allison HUB account include product familiarization, preventive maintenance and basic diagnostic information for Allison's most popular on-highway transmissions - the 1000 Series™,
2000 Series™, 3000 Series™ and 4000 Series™ automatic transmissions. To learn more about our training opportunities, click here.