Allison Transmission Coverage

Transmission Coverage Definitions and Requirements


Standard Limited Warranty
All Allison automatic transmissions carry a Standard Limited Warranty based upon Vocational Model Series and vocations*. Standard Limited Warranty includes 100% parts and labor for the designated coverage period. Mileage limitations for specific Vocational Model Series and/or vocations may apply.


Coverage Pricing
Extended Coverage must be purchased within one year of the delivery of the vehicle. Pricing shown on this webpage and in respective brochures is applicable to Extended Coverage purchased in 2023.


Suggested retail prices are established for each transmission vocational model/vocation combination.


The terms and conditions under which Allison Transmission offers Extended Coverage are set forth on the back of the Extended Coverage Agreement Registration, available from any Allison Authorized Distributor or Dealer.


Pricing and/or coverage details shown in the following charts are subject to change without notice. All pricing is in US Dollars.


Extended Coverage
In addition to Standard Limited Warranty, Allison transmissions listed on this webpage and in applicable brochure are eligible for Extended Coverage. Extended Coverage begins at the end of the Standard Limited Warranty period and increases the coverage period. Extended Coverage is available for purchase through Allison Authorized Distributors and Dealers. Details for Extended Coverage are shown on the following charts.


REQUIREMENTS: Use of Allison Approved TES 668™ or TES 295® transmission fluid** and Genuine Allison Filters is required. Failure to use Allison Approved TES 668 or TES 295 transmission fluid and Genuine Allison Filters will result in no coverage for repair beyond Standard Limited Warranty coverage. Transmissions that are not OEM factory filled with Allison Approved TES 668 or TES 295 transmission fluid and Genuine Allison Filters must have Allison Approved TES 668 or TES 295 transmission fluid and Genuine Allison Filters installed at the time of Extended Coverage purchase. Transmissions that are not OEM factory filled with Allison Approved TES 668 or TES 295 transmission fluid, or transmissions operating with non-TES 668 or non-TES 295 fluids, must be drained and filled with Allison Approved TES 668 or TES 295 transmission fluid to achieve 100% concentration. One hundred percent concentration is not achieved until the second consecutive fluid change using Allison Approved TES 668 or TES 295 transmission fluid. The second consecutive fluid change must be achieved at the time of Extended Coverage purchase.


NOTE: Except as noted, all transmissions with Extended Coverage have 100% parts and labor coverage with no mileage limitations.


* See Warranty Parchment for exact coverage details.

** For a list of current Allison Approved TES 668 or TES 295 transmission fluids, go to:


Highway Series™ (HS)

  • 1000 HS

  • 1000 HS xFE

  • 1350 HS

  • 1350 HS xFE

  • 2100 HS

  • 2100 HS xFE

  • 2200 HS

  • 2200 HS xFE

  • 2300 HS

  • 2350 HS

  • 2350 HS xFE

  • 2500 HS

  • 2500 HS xFE

  • 2550 HS

  • 2550 HS xFE

  • 3000 HS

  • 3000 HS + Retarder

  • 4000 HS

  • 4000 HS + Retarder

  • 4500 HS

  • 4500 HS + Retarder

Pupil Transport/Shuttle Series™ (PTS)

  • 1000 PTS

  • 1000 PTS xFE

  • 1350 PTS

  • 1350 PTS xFE

  • 2100 PTS

  • 2100 PTS xFE

  • 2200 PTS

  • 2200 PTS xFE

  • 2350 PTS xFE

  • 2500 PTS xFE

  • 2550 PTS xFE

  • 3000 PTS

  • 3000 PTS + Retarder

Regional Haul Series™ (RHS)

  • 3414 RHS

  • 3414 RHS + PTO

  • 3414 RHS + PTO + Retarder

  • 3414 RHS + Retarder

Rugged Duty Series™ (RDS)

  • 1000 RDS

  • 1000 RDS xFE

  • 1005 RDS

  • 1350 RDS

  • 1350 RDS xFE

  • 2100 RDS

  • 2100 RDS xFE

  • 2200 RDS

  • 2200 RDS xFE

  • 2300 RDS

  • 2350 RDS

  • 2350 RDS xFE

  • 2500 RDS

  • 2500 RDS xFE

  • 2550 RDS

  • 2550 RDS xFE

  • 3000 RDS

  • 3000 RDS + Retarder

  • 3300 RDS

  • 3300 RDS + Retarder

  • 3500 RDS

  • 3500 RDS + Retarder

  • 4000 RDS

  • 4000 RDS + Retarder

  • 4500 RDS

  • 4500 RDS + Retarder

  • 4700 RDS

  • 4700 RDS + Retarder

Specialty Series™ (SP)

  • 1000 SP

  • 1350 SP

  • 2100 SP

  • 2200 SP

  • 2350 SP

  • 2500 SP

  • 2550 SP

  • 3000 SP

  • 3000 SP + Retarder

  • 3200 SP

  • 3200 SP + Retarder

  • 3500 SP

  • 3500 SP + Retarder

  • 4000 SP

  • 4000 SP + Retarder

  • 4500 SP

  • 4500 SP + Retarder

  • 4700 SP

  • 4700 SP + Retarder

  • 4800 SP

  • 4800 SP + Retarder

  • 6620 SP

  • 6620 SP + Dropbox

  • 6620 SP + Retarder

  • 6620 SP + Dropbox + Retarder

  • 8610 SP

  • 8610 SP + Retarder

Off Road Series™

  • 6620 ORS

  • 6620 ORS + Dropbox

  • 6620 ORS + Retarder

  • 6620 ORS + Dropbox + Retarder

  • 6625 ORS

  • 6625 ORS + Retarder

  • 6630 ORS

  • 6630 ORS + Retarder

  • 8610 ORS

  • 8610 ORS + Retarder

  • 9610 ORS

  • 9610 ORS + Retarder

Oil Field Series™

  • 6620 OFS

  • 6620 OFS + Dropbox

  • 6620 OFS + Retarder

  • 6620 OFS + Dropbox + Retarder

  • 8610 OFS

  • 8610 OFS + Retarder

  • 9817 OFS

  • 9823 OFS

  • 9826 OFS

  • 9832 OFS


All Emergency Vehicle Series™ Models carry a 5-year Standard Limited Warranty. See Warranty Parchment for exact coverage details.



All Motorhome Series™ Models carry a 5-year Standard Limited Warranty. See Warranty Parchment for exact coverage details.



All Truck RV Series™ Models carry a 5-year Standard Limited Warranty. See Warranty Parchment for exact coverage details.



  • 1000

  • 2000

  • 2400

  • 3000

  • 3000 P

  • 3000 P Refuse

  • 3066

  • 3066 P

  • 3066 + Retarder

  • 3500 P

  • 3500 P Refuse

  • 4000

  • 4000 P

  • 4000 P Refuse

  • 4000 PR

  • 4000 + Retarder

  • 4500 P

  • 4500 P Refuse

  • 4500 P + Cooler

  • 4500 PR

  • 4700

  • 4700 P

  • 4700 PR

  • B300 + Retarder

  • B400

  • B400 + Retarder

  • B400 + Retarder + Cooler

  • B3400 xFE + Retarder

  • B500

  • B500 + Retarder