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Allison Transmission Awarded a $51 Million Contract to Support Abrams Tank Production for the U.S. Army and Internationally

An Abrams tank is moving to the left of the screen. Dust is shown behind it and under the tracks. There are hills in the background that have blue line overlays to show movement.

Abrams defense sales are expanding in the Asia Pacific and Eastern European markets.

INDIANAPOLIS, December 14, 2022 – Allison Transmission, a leading designer and manufacturer of conventional and electrified vehicle propulsion solutions for tactical wheeled and tracked defense vehicles, and medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles, has been awarded a $51 million contract for the X1100-3B1 transmission and technical support for the Abrams Main Battle Tank used by the U.S. Army and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) customers.

“The Abrams is the most prevalent main battle tank in the free world, and the recent announcement of defense sales expanding to Taiwan, Australia and Poland increases its presence to eight U.S. partner nations. Allison is proud to support the U.S. Army and our global customers today and for decades to come,” said Dana Pittard, Vice President for Defense Programs, Allison Transmission.

Allison’s unique qualifications and experience with the development, testing and production of heavy-duty cross-drive transmissions have reduced risk to the U.S. Army as they’ve navigated the pandemic and unprecedented economic conditions. Allison’s innovative approach and best practices provide the Army with greater affordability to reinvest in readiness, which are benefits other manufacturers have been unable to achieve.

Deliveries and technical support under this contract will begin in January 2023 and continue through March 2024.

The Abrams tank, introduced in the early 1980s, has been the subject of continuous capability improvements throughout its service life. Similarly, Allison continues to develop innovative enhancements to meet customer demand while ensuring transmission longevity and performance.

“Allison is proud of our relationships with the U.S. Army and the world’s finest defense vehicle manufacturers. Our internal investments have led to growth in the defense end market with new contracts in the last six months for Abrams, the U.S. Army’s newest light tank (Mobile Protected Firepower), M88A3 HERCULES and India’s Future Infantry Combat Vehicle,” said Pittard. “The future is very exciting as Allison will have a new defense production program launch every year for the next several years.”

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