A red, white and blue transit bus on a street headed toward a city.



xFE is another in a string of innovative, fuel saving ideas from Allison. xFE stands for Extra Fuel Economy. This fuel savings results from new gear ratios designed to squeeze more value from every tank of fuel.


Earlier Lock Up + Lower Engine Speeds = Extra Fuel Economy


xFE models have been designed to deliver significantly more torque converter lock up operation and spend more time in higher ranges at lower engine speeds producing exceptional fuel savings.


Two side-by-side graphs depicting upshifts and lock-up for vehicles with and without xFE technology.

Faster Lock Up For Increased Efficiency


We’ve designed our transmission models with xFE to lock up at lower speeds, specifically for the constant shifting and lower average speeds of fleets. This means lock up happens significantly earlier and vehicles run longer where they are most efficient.


A hand in a yellow glove grasps a fuel handle as it is placed into the fuel location in a vehicle.

xFE + FuelSense® 2.0


Durch ein ganzes Bündel von Software-Optimierungen bietet FuelSense® 2.0 unbegrenzt variierbare Kombinationen von Schaltpunkten. Anstatt fester Werte einer Schaltpunkttabelle nutzt FuelSense® 2.0 einen Lern-Algorithmus, um das Zusammenspiel von Kraftstoffverbrauch und Leistung kontinuierlich so auf den Arbeitszyklus abzustimmen, dass das Fahrzeug im Betrieb maximale Effizienz erreicht.


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Designed for Both Fleet and OEM Convenience


City and transit buses, distribution trucks, refuse vehicles and pupil transport buses are ideal applications for xFE technology. The start-stop dense routes and lower average speed duty cycles present special challenges for any transmission. Allison fully automatic transmissions with xFE meet these challenges without sacrificing drivability or performance and are compatible with alternative fuel engines. Best of all, installation of an xFE transmission is the same as a standard Allison model.